Journal Entry 3

Date:  05/12/2024

Activity:  Demo Version!!!!!!!!!!!        


This week...massive progress. I promised and I delivered. You can now try the demo version of the game yourself. I added new levels, I fixed some bugs. Massive W. But for realz, I had an amazing week. More than implementations and fixes, I feel like this concept may actually work. It deffinitelly gives portal vibes, which I'm very glad of. I also feel like making new levels might be easier now, since I will have most things already made. Unfortunatelly, I must say, I'm not sure I'll get more gameplay wise updates made in the next week. I want to focuss on the juicyness and feel of it, so that I can get some kind of product done made that feels amazing. I might come back to it, because I feel like it has a potential to be better. Anyway Imma quit yapping. Enjoy the demo.


Demo Version 1 32 MB
May 12, 2024

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