Journal Entry 1

Date:  04/28/2024

Activity:  Implementing Basic Concepts for next game     


This week I started working here and there on my next project. So far I only have a screenshot, but next week I'm hoping for large progress. I decided to work on a action platform game (Yeah I know, how original), that will be based in a world of basic shapes. I decided on this because I wanted to focus my time on programming and not on sprite drawing, since I'm not very artistically litterate. In the screenshot you can see that despite lack of complicated drawings, it looks appealing. I went for that Tron look and I think I got it. Anyway this week I implented basic movement and a basic enemy. I will keep you updated in the upcomming weeks.

Invested Hours: IDK I worked on this from time to time so its hard to tell :D.

Outcome: Screenshot as a proof of concept


PreviewOfProgress.png 68 kB
Apr 28, 2024

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