Journal Entry 1

Date:  03/17/2024

Activity:  One Page Level Design for game in 2D Game Kit   


Today I invested my time in creating one page design for a level in 2DGameKit. 

It is a simple level with some puzzles, platforming and fighting. My focus was to offer a little something to everyone. (IGN would be proud)...

The theme of the level is invasion of foreign space nation. The player's objective is to steal the local culture's trinkets.

It was a fun experience designing this level, though I wasted a bit of time in figuring out apps like Krita and Inkscape (I used both, because not all feature were availible in one app).

Invested Hours: 4 hours plus or minus... + time when I pre-designed the level on paper by hand.

Outcome: One-Page design availible in Project-A


OldDesign.png 1.4 MB
Mar 17, 2024

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